If your child is graduating from high school, this time of year is very hectic. Not only do you have many high school obligations, you may also have college obligations that must be addressed. Oh, and don’t forget the graduation party.
Planning a graduation party can be very time-consuming and stressful. Here are some tips to help you plan a nice party.
Graduation Party Tips
1. Determine what your graduate wants.
Many parents assume a graduation party is a rite of passage, a tradition. While this may be the case, it’s important to ask your graduate what they want before you begin planning.
2. Create a preliminary guest list.
Jot down the family, friends, and co-workers you’d like to invite. Once the names are on paper, you’ll be able to determine the type of venue needed. Can it be hosted at your house, restaurant, or a local park?
3. Formal paper invites are king.
Today party invitations can be created online; however, there are so many different social platforms, how do you pick just one? A formal invitation is still considered the best way to invite your guests. Make sure you send out your invitations at least a month in advance.
4. Timing.
June and July are the best months for hosting a party. Once August arrives, people are in school mode again. The recommended duration of a party is 3-5 hours. This allows people to arrive at their leisure.
5. Entertainment options.
When planning a graduation party, it’s important to think about attendee demographics. Some guests will come for just a brief time and others will linger. A photo board or looping video is nice for guests who can’t stay long. For those who do stay, make sure you have activities planned and plenty of seating.
6. Two parties in one.
If your graduate has a close friend, consider hosting a joint party. This allows you to share the costs and get more help in the kitchen.
Do you have any suggestions or information you’d like to share? I’d love to hear from you. Please share them in the box below.