Do you know if your insurance will cover a deer hit? In this blog, I will discuss two types of insurance coverage for damage to your vehicle: collision and comprehensive.
Collision means the upset of your covered auto or its impact with another vehicle or object. For instance:
a. Running a stop light and hitting another car;
b. Swerving to avoid a deer and hitting a tree; or
c. Hitting a parked car, mailbox, or building.
Comprehensive coverage (other than collision)
It is for losses caused by missiles/falling objects, fire, theft/larceny, explosion or earthquake, windstorm, hail, water or flood, vandalism, contact with a bird or animal, or breakage of glass.
Both collision and comprehensive coverages are optional unless you have a loan or are in a lease. Contact your independent insurance agent to make sure you’re covered. If you don’t have the coverage, you’re responsible for paying for your repairs.
If a deer runs out and you cannot brake, your safest option is to hit it. While this is upsetting, it’s the best option for you and your family. Please remember to stay in your car and contact local authorities. If you have comprehensive coverage, the damage will be covered by your insurance policy.
Since you had no control over the situation, your insurance premium will likely not increase; however, if you swerve to avoid the deer, cross the median, and cause an accident, this is a different and much more severe situation that causes different coverages to be activated.
The blog below shares some tips on how to avoid hitting a deer with your car this fall.
Do you see the deer looking at you?
Do you have any suggestions or information you'd like to share? I'd love to hear from you. Please share them in the box below.
This article is intended for general educational and illustrative purposes only and should not be construed to communicate legal or professional advice. Further, this article is not an offer to sell insurance. Please consult with your licensed insurance agent for specific coverage details and your insurance eligibility. All policies are subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, definitions, and exclusions contained therein.