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Associate Holiday Party

Thanks to West Bend for putting on an amazing holiday party! 


West Bend Raised Nearly $1.5M for Charity in 2016

CheckGroup1.jpgWe are proud to support various causes and charities in and around West Bend, and have created a culture of giving that extends far beyond the corporation. Thank you to our associates, awesome leaders and community partners that make all of this possible!  Read more here.

Farewell and Good Luck

image1.jpgThree dedicated and long-time associates are retiring.  Pat, product development specialist, is retiring after 45 years, Jim, general cousel, is saying goodbye after 32 years and so is Doug, claims manager, after 26 years of service.  We can't thank you enough for all you've done!  Enjoy your retirement!

Linda's Career at West Bend

Linda Enright TBT.jpg

Linda began her career at West Bend in 1976 in the agent’s service department typing policies on an old- fashioned typewriter. After three months, she transferred to commercial lines casualty rating and has been there ever since. In the early years, Linda assisted with the calculation of commercial premiums using paper-rating manuals, desk calculators and sent the information to entry via written code blocks. In 1984, the PMS system introduced computer rating for two lines: WC and Auto simplifying the commercial lines process. Over the years, Linda held various positions moving on from a casualty rate clerk to premium audit supervisor, CL trainer, underwriting assistant, underwriter, sr., CL underwriter, staff underwriter (now known as product management), sr. regional sales manager-Southeastern WI, regional UW supervisor and presently regional underwriting manager. Her tenure with West Bend spans over 40 years of service. During her five years of service in the sales division, Linda was voted “Company Representative of the Year” by the professional insurance agent organization of Wisconsin for her customer service work in the insurance industry. “I have been given incredible career opportunities to personally grow with education and leadership throughout my career here at West Bend. Every day I still learn something new that is useful to the underwriting role. I have met and worked with so many incredible people, both inside and outside of the organization; many who I maintain close friendships with. I truly value the many friends I have made over the years and the associates whose careers I have affected through my leadership. “

Happy Anniversary

Congratulations to our associates celebrating milestone anniversaries in December!

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Ugly Sweaters are Back


It was Ugly Sweater day at West Bend and the associates did not disappoint! 

Best Places to Work

best place to work.jpgBusiness Insurance Magazine announced the “2016 Best Places To Work” list. The award was created as a way of identifying and recognizing the best employers in the insurance industry. We are proud to share that we placed 3rd in the large company category. This is the sixth year in a row that we have been included on the list!

West Bend Received the Bronze Workplace Health Achievement

Logo bronze award.jpgThank you to the American Heart Association.  We're thankful to work for an organization that cares about the wellness of it's employees.  We have healthy meal options, onsite fitness facility, wellness challenges and more!  

River City Christmas Brass Band Visits

The Terrace was full of holiday cheer today as part of the River City Irregulars were here belting out the classics during lunch for our associates!  Thank you!