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Homeowners insurance and roof storm damage: What you need to know

roof damage

As a homeowner, it's crucial to understand how your insurance policy works, especially regarding roof damage. In this blog post, I'll explore common questions about homeowners insurance coverage to help you understand the process.

Roof storm damage questions and answers

Q: What types of roof damage are covered by a homeowners policy?

A: A standard homeowners insurance policy covers damages caused by perils such as fire, wind, hail, lightning, falling objects, vandalism, and the weight of snow or ice.

Review your policy or talk to your agent to better understand covered perils and exclusions.

Q: What roof damage isn’t covered by a homeowners policy?

A: A homeowners policy doesn’t cover manufacturer defects, faulty workmanship, wear and tear, neglect, rot or mold, and damage from earthquakes or floods.

Q: How does an insurance policy cover roof damage?

A: Actual cash value (ACV) provides coverage for the value of the roof when it’s replaced, less depreciation. Replacement cost (RC) provides the coverage you need to replace your roof less your deductible.

Q: Can an insurance company deny a full roof replacement claim?

A:  A roof insurance claim can be denied due to several reasons. One of the common reasons is when the roof damage isn’t severe enough to warrant a full roof replacement. For example, the damage may be limited to a certain section of the roof and repairing that section may be enough to restore the roof's integrity. The cause of the damage will also determine whether your damage is covered.

Q: Do I automatically get a new roof after a storm damages it?

A: Damage to your roof doesn’t guarantee that your insurance policy will provide a full replacement. It’s possible you may need a whole new roof, but it’s not guaranteed your insurance company will cover the cost of the entire roof.  Things to consider include the age of the roof, policy language, policy exclusions, policy deductibles, and the percentage of the roof damaged.

Q: What are some things I can do to protect my roof?

A: There is a variety of things you can do to protect your roof, such as trimming back nearby tree branches, giving your gutters a good flush, replacing missing shingles, and removing snow and ice.

This article is intended for general educational and illustrative purposes only and should not be construed to communicate legal or professional advice. Further, this article is not an offer to sell insurance. Please consult with your licensed insurance agent for specific coverage details and your insurance eligibility. All policies are subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, definitions, and exclusions contained therein.



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