West Bend Cares Blog

Hot tubs and winter safety

Written by Scott Stueber, CPCU, CISR, AAI | Jan 24, 2024 2:30:00 PM

With winter upon us, jumping into a warm hot tub is fantastic. However, whether you’re a new or experienced hot tub owner, transforming it into a winter haven requires some safety considerations.

Here are some winter safety tips to ensure a delightful and safe experience amid the chilly weather.

Hot tub safety tips

  1. Inspect your hot tub regularly. 

    Periodically, inspect your tub for leaks, loose fittings, and malfunctioning components. Leaks can result in unanticipated slippery spots on your patio or deck.

  2. Maintain the right temperature. 

    While it might be tempting to crank up the heat during winter, keeping your hot tub at a moderate temperature, typically around 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit, is essential. Extremely high temperatures can lead to dehydration, especially when combined with the dry winter air.

  3. Use a quality hot tub cover. 

    A well-insulated, high-quality hot tub cover can retain heat and prevent debris from entering the water.

  4. Check water level regularly. 

    Winter weather can lead to increased evaporation, so monitoring your hot tub's water level is crucial. Maintaining the recommended water level ensures the pump functions appropriately, preventing damage to the system.

  5. Pay attention to your local weather reports. 

    Freezing temperatures can pose a significant risk to its plumbing and equipment. Proper insulation and a thermal blanket can protect your hot tub from extreme cold.

  6. Maintain your walkways. 

    Remove snow and ice before using your hot tub to prevent slips and falls. Trying to shovel in a swimsuit and flip-flops may lead to injury. Also, consider using non-slip mats around the hot tub area to enhance safety.

  7. Limit soak time.

    During the winter months, it may seem ok to sit in your tub indefinitely, but that’s not the case. Limit soak time to avoid overheating and dehydration. If you want to use it longer, take breaks.

  8. Stay hydrated. 

    Always drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated. Despite the cold weather, it's essential to stay hydrated. Remind friends to drink water before and after their soak to counteract the dehydrating effects of the warm water.

  9. Don’t drink alcohol. 

    The combination of alcohol and heat can cause your body to become dehydrated quickly. Dehydration can lead to dizziness, confusion, and weakness, which can result in an increased risk of passing out or drowning.

  10. Use it to reduce illness severity. 

    There are many ways to fend off an illness during the winter months. If you’re starting to feel achy, consider spending more time in your hot tub. Sweating out toxins and getting cool air in your lungs can be beneficial.

  11. Put on your favorite hat. 

    For many winter activities, wearing a hat is a good idea. Sitting in the hot tub during the winter is no different. Wearing a hat keeps your hair dry and can help regulate your body temperature by preventing heat from escaping.

  12. Maintain the proper chemical levels.

    The three essential elements to keep balanced in your tub are total alkalinity, pH, and calcium hardness. Doing this will ensure a more comfortable experience and prevent scaling and corrosion in your hot tub.

By following these winter tips, you can ensure that your hot tub experience remains not only relaxing but also safe and enjoyable.