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Stay Ready: Effective emergency preparedness

Stay Ready Effective emergency preparedness - blog image

September is National Preparedness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Whether encountering a natural disaster, a health crisis, or an unexpected accident, having a plan in place can make a big impact in protecting lives and property. A well-thought-out plan should be designed to prevent confusion, panic, and injury.

Here are some things to consider when creating and implementing an emergency action plan (EAP) for your business:


The EAP must be clear, easily understood, and communicated effectively to all employees. Everyone should know their roles and evacuation procedures, including where to go during an emergency.


Regular training and practice drills are essential to ensuring employees are prepared and can quickly and correctly respond in an emergency.


The plan should assign specific responsibilities to individuals, guaranteeing that critical tasks are covered and that there’s no confusion about who’s in charge during an emergency.

Insurance coverage review

Meet with your insurance agent to ensure your business has enough coverage for the different emergencies you may face.

Emergency preparedness should extend beyond your business. Engaging with your community can enhance overall readiness.

Here are some things you can do:

Engage with community groups

These groups can share resources, provide support, and work together during emergencies.


Consider volunteering with local emergency response teams. Volunteering provides valuable training and helps build a network of people who can assist during emergencies.

Support Local Initiatives

Participate in or support local emergency preparedness initiatives and events, especially during National Preparedness Month. These can provide additional resources and information to help you and your neighbors stay prepared.

For additional information, check out the links below.

Developing an Emergency Action Plan

Preparing Your Organization for Disasters

Protect Your Business by Planning for Natural Disasters

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