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Back-to-school guide: Essential tips for college students

Back-to-school guide Essential tips for college students - blog image

As college students gear up to head back to campus, it's a time filled with excitement and new beginnings. Amidst the hustle and bustle of moving in, attending classes, and reuniting with friends, it's crucial to keep a few key concerns and tips in mind to ensure a safe and smooth experience.

Ensuring fire safety

Students should be aware of fire safety and familiar with evacuation procedures, as dorms and apartments can be vulnerable to fire.

  • Know the location of the closest fire alarm.
  • Report damaged fire equipment to the appropriate staff.
  • Be familiar with how to use a fire extinguisher.
  • Don’t be a practical joker.

Preventing dorm room thefts

Theft prevention is equally important because crowded living spaces can become targets for opportunistic thieves.

  • Consider buying a dorm safe.
  • Use cable locks to secure your laptop.
  • Research locking/storage options for gaming consoles.
  • Keep the door locked.
  • Keep expensive items at home.

Taking a car to college

Students planning to have a car at college, should research and understand the insurance implications and the college’s on-campus car policy.

  • Discuss your auto policy with your insurance agent.
  • Understand state insurance requirements.
  • Find out the college’s policy on having a car.

Sharing expenses with roommates

Navigating the complexities of sharing expenses with roommates is essential for maintaining harmonious living arrangements.

  • Write down how expenses will be divided.
  • Visit the app store and look for a payment app.
  • Discuss individual preferences regarding groceries to see if sharing will work.
  • Discuss consequences regarding payment failure.

For more information, check out the links below.

Fire safety tips to keep college students safe

Tips for preventing dorm room theft

What to know before sending your student to college with a car

Tips for sharing expenses with roommates


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