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Tornado Readiness

Tornadoes in the News: On May 22, 2011, one of the deadliest tornadoes in U.S. history ripped through downtown Joplin, MO causing an estimated $3 billion in damage and claiming at least 151 lives.

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Dealing with High Wind

Injuries from high winds in the news: A nine-year-old boy was playing goalie during soccer practice when a large wind gust blew the soccer goal on top of him.

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Preventing Fireworks Disasters

Fireworks Disaster in the News: A three year old child was given a sparkler by her parents to celebrate the Fourth of July. The child left her parent’s supervision and entered the house and set the lit sparkler down in the laundry room.

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Icy Walkways

Real Life Claims: A YMCA childcare worker slipped on an icy patch of the sidewalk after finishing her shift. The long-time employee had severe arthritis which made cushioning her fall extremely difficult.

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