Workplace accidents happen, but many may be avoided by implementing preventive safety measures. We’re sharing this real-life, large loss claim to help keep employees safe and prevent workers’ compensation injuries that affect your bottom line.
While waiting for an open dock at a warehouse, a truck driver fell asleep. When a dock became available, he was awakened by yard personnel and asked to move his truck. The driver was disorientated after being startled awake and didn’t realize that it had started to rain. The driver stepped out from the cab to open the trailer doors and slipped on the top, wet step of the tractor and fell to the ground. Due to the height of the fall and how the driver landed, he sustained a hip fracture requiring surgical repair.
Let’s look at how this accident may have been avoided by applying these loss prevention measures:
- Provide slip-resistant steps and handholds to allow safe access onto and off tractors. Also,
ensure the steps and handles are free of slip hazards like mud, grease, water, and ice.
- Always face the equipment and maintain a minimum of three points of contact when climbing or descending a tractor.
- Keep contact with either two hand grasps and one foot or two feet and one hand grasp. (pictured to the right)
- Grasp handholds with full hand grasps.
- Place majority of foot on steps (not just toes).
- Always wear sturdy, supportive, slip-resistant footwear.
- Allow a few moments to orientate when waking from slumber. Get your bearings before descending equipment.
- Provide driver education on three points of contact for climbing and descending tractors.
Contact your Loss Control representative for additional resources on three points of contact and best practices for climbing and descending equipment.
Do you have any tips you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them; please share them in the box below.