Driving a truck for a living can take a toll on a person’s health. Based on a survey of commercial truck drivers, they were twice as likely as other workers to smoke, be obese, and have other health problems. It’s easy to see why; truck drivers spend long hours sitting in their trucks without many opportunities for breaks or exercise. Food at gas stations and restaurants along the way is often high in calories and sodium. Drivers’ sleep patterns can be disrupted as well. Getting good sleep on the road can be tough, but it’s critical: 60 percent of fatal accidents among commercial drivers are due to sleepiness.
Healthy and well-rested drivers are safer drivers, so companies should help drivers prioritize their health and wellness. Our work comp experts put together this webinar to help companies and drivers do just that. They walk through different health issues drivers may face and small changes they can make to improve their health and safety. Check it out!
Webinar Key Points
1:49-Truck driver health survey results: Drivers are twice as likely to smoke and be obese than rest of workforce.
3:47-Health issues facing truck drivers.
11:57-Prevention is key.
20:44-Healthy eating tips from myplate.gov website
25:47-Salt issues: Many foods eaten on the road have high sodium content.
27:27-Cooking on the road: Appliances that can be used in your truck.
29:39-Eating out on the road: Healthy eating tips
31:32-Smoking and smoking cessation
36:55-Tips for quitting smoking
39:07-General hygiene tips for cold/flu season
46:39-Staying active: Benefits of physical activity
48:01-Tips for being active while on the road
49:57-Sleep while on the road: A very important part of health and driver safety.
58:01-Tips to improve sleep